Raw Unprocessed Honey

from their hive, to your home!

All Sweet Bee Honey Co. products are made with 100% locally produced 
raw unprocessed honey, beeswax, comb, and natural materials.  
  1. a healthy sweet
    Raw unprocessed honey contains natural enzymes, antioxidants, and is an excellent alternative to refined sugar and artificial sweeteners.
  2. skin and hair care
    Naturally antibacterial and extremely moisturizing, honey keeps your face and skin looking young; soothes itching, dry skin and eczema; and fights acne.
  3. protect our food supply
    Bees are responsible for pollinating over a third of our food supply and 90% of wild plants. Our product sales allow us to maintain and grow strong healthy bee colonies.
  4. easy secure ordering
    ** Coming Soon ** We are currently developing our online store for easy secure ordering. In the mean time click the map to see where you can purchase product locally.
Our Store Locations

Click the map to see where you can
​purchase Sweet Bee products locally ----------->

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